The horse has low heels on the back being barefoot would of caused his heel bulbs to rub on the ground making him very uncomfortable, however with boots and common sense we can now grow the heels and get the feet correct through time. The course deliver is constructed to make study easier for those with existing work commitments. Barefoot trimming. Ms. Mo Pascoe-Hoyal, I’m glad it helped Good luck with the book. It has become clear from widespread experience since 2000 that success in going barefoot is not just about pulling the shoes and using the "wild horse" or "high-performance" barefoot trim. Basic information to trim your own horse. It’s an aid to direct flight and landing path, much as a rocker shoe or shoes with trailers help correct and direct traveling issues with other horses. Stones are the culpert, sole bruising, ouchy feet. You can cause lots of damage with a barefoot horse with thin soles. Personally for me I think of balance as dynamic. There was a similar situation with showing Clydesdales in the UK. The Association’s aim is to regulate and support Equine Podiatrists working in the UK, promoting responsible shoeless hoofcare and providing information to anybody wishing to find out more about Equine Podiatry. It sounds like you’ve had quite the journey with horses. Again this is down to mind set. I spent seven years as a tech in an equine motion analysis lab where I was also responsible for making sure that the horses involved in the study were consistently trimmed to the same standards. Musculoskeletal system? That diet, exercise, movement, environment and a balanced trim were all key to success. Economics can be powerful force for good…it can also create resistance for change. I’m not often called sensible – but I do manage it every now and then Large egos do seem rife in the equestrian world, though I’ve come to realise it’s because the sensible people are just keeping quiet and getting on with it, rather than making noise. Why become a barefoot trimmer? There’s even barefoot specialists who don’t trim at all! I agree. Thin over rasped hoof walls/ or no hoof wall left. Have you told him that the horses are sore after he’s trimmed? I know a Farriers is 4 years and 3 months. Easy setup, Email and SMS appointments and reminders, simple invoicing with your logo and many more benefits. He also liked how challenging the work was as it requires a high level of skill. Yes it sounds like you’re on to a winner there. I can’t wait to have pony, I’ll finally be able to hack out again. Find a Barefoot Trimmer Any UK based trimmer is welcome to be listed on this website. My advice to any horse owner is to do as much as you can with your horse(s) barefoot. How is one structure affecting the other structures? Domestic hooves must be cleaned and check daily by someone with hoof care knowledge. (4 years ) we moved had to find a new Farrier well after being trimmed 3x had to put shoes on the front cause he has gotten sore. You’re the boss, but they tell you what to do , There is no right or wrong. Join thousands of other pet owners and pet lovers on the UK's most popular and friendly pet community and discussion forum. Let’s be clear, the use of just pads & chains will not achieve the Big Lick. We love it. I’m glad you’ve found someone good at last . that being said 90 percent of the horses i do are just trims. You’ll find trimmers will do a number of different courses, as their education is self funded and self guided. The question caught me slightly off guard and I did not have a great response and chalked it up to my long time love for horses. Natural Hoofcare is not only a trimming method designed specifically for barefoot horses, but includes a daily care system that allows a horse to remain barefoot throughout its entire working life. Finally the frog (and coronary band) the brains of the outfit the sensor filled “spring rubber”. Sometimes the best thought is…”if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” or better yet fix it slowly. Good article. Just thinking about mustangs or brumbies. 593 likes. Is the nervous system in balance? Think about what kind of mindset and attitude you want. ), support, or therapeutic needs. She was so lame she could barely move, and the x-rays revealed coffin bone rotation. Looking for some suggestions? Mind you “Eddie” is going to be 25 this year and is doing alright, no drugs, has boots with pads when needed, herbs for any inflammation and 24/7 turnout with the proper vitamin/minerals to support the hoof. I was a barefoot trimmer for 10 years, originally trained and certified through the ANNHCP and then later moved towards the American Hoof Association guidelines. Thanks Michelle. The short answer is attitude and mind set. I enjoyed your article. My interpretation of this title is because the hoof has been literally all over my poor body! It’s the mystery of training…get used to it. There’s nothing wrong with the question, but I’m a very literal person, and there’s no such thing as a (singular) farrier trim or a (singular) barefoot trim. It doesn’t approach the hoof like it’s a biological structure. You may have a farrier who’s done barefoot training. It all still comes down to anatomy and physiology. Well… Hold on to your unmentionables here but I’m about to blow your mind!! Lovely bloke, he taught me how to remove shoes, and how to get round my problem of very long legs when trimming horses with very little legs. What a wonderful post! For the third year in a row, (apart from one mare who we bought in) I have not had lameness or hoof complaints or soreness over winter. To determine and repair hoof soundness we must first learn to identify each of the five basic hoof structures. He’s been barefoot ever since. Is each structure at the ideal length for the lifestyle? Knowing how and when to correct hoof growth direction helps us to better understand what our horse needs now and in the future. You certainly need good feet for barrel racing (though admittedly, I don’t see much of that in the UK) , Great article, most especially the ”There is no right or wrong. I love this blog and wish I’d read it years ago when I first got horses and went barefoot. Look up the latest information and research. Some farriers do bevel or hem the hoof before fitting a shoe. i also deal with horse psychology and am often called in for the problem horses because horse training was part of farrier school and has been something i have been learning my whole lifetime. Daily trimming with the five basic hoof structures in mind and pathogens under control the hoof begins to quickly reverse many of the pathologies that have troubled domestic horse for centuries. We certainly seem to have noticed a difference this year, more growth, stronger, less fragility, less cracking. Farriery, as a science, is based very much in mechanics. But I’m just not about the money. Superb article, and confirms my opinion that I’m blessed to have the best of both worlds in a ptruly amazing “farrier” who loves shoeless and always does the minimum shoeing for the needs of the horse at any given time – my horses vary through the year from barefoot to front shod to fully shod due to their lifestyle and workload and they really are in the best hands of a man who fulfills your descriptions of the best of both professions – yyp, I make coffee and buy a bottle at Christmas!! my farrier recently trimmed my horses so short they’re walking only on the sole of the foot-the older horse is about grade 2 lame today!! Well put together article. They’re even 3d printing titanium shoes now! The needs of mustangs and brumbies are quite different to those of a domesticated horse, so while it’s interesting to learn from them, we also need to remember that any horse is a product of their environment and a domestic horse is in a very different environment and requires a very different function from their feet. Many horses that are sore with shoeing are sore because of ‘lazy’ shaping of the shoe and there are bad nails driven in the hoof. It comes down to bread and butter. The right photo shoes the hoof just after shoe removal, there is hole where the vet dug for an abscess in the white line, the hoof wall is non existent, the heels are slightly contracted. That’s fine, his reasoning was, if they’re going to be shod they’re better off shod with a strong healthy hoof. I stood there in awe, I cried and hugged my trimmer. The ultimate test always being 'Sound or lame?' I agree Dan, all feet aren’t created equal. Chapter Four… New Concept. Where insanely huge “packages” are nailed to their horse’s feet to exaggerate the gate. The mind set does frequently come from the training though, so training is important, but for me, mind set is more important. Get the must have App for Barefoot Trimmers. Red Horse stuff tends to be pretty awesome, but you already know about that. Lee. The methods are far too horrific for me to bring myself to insert a link here. Do you want someone holistically minded, or scientifically minded, or both? Once you understand each puzzle piece you will be able to put the jigsaw together to see the whole picture with far greater clarity and new insight. I also shoe, but I having experimented with various types of flexible shoes found one that works very well for rehabilitation or helping a horse to be sound while they are getting better circulation and growing in their new hooves. Very helpful to hear your thoughts on this, as a new horse owner who wants to stay barefoot always. It determines whether you can recognise the horses needs, and owners needs beyond your own needs and ego. Please log in again. Often when i point out that the hoof has thrush the owner is often surprised as no one has ever told them their horse thrush. I agree with you every farrier/owner/horse has too many equations to follow only one solution. For instance when I qualified I could draw a sagital or longitudal section of the horses leg and hoof at any point from the knee down. Great reading, makes a lot of sense. If you know of any that are missing, please ask them to contact me with their details and I’ll gladly include them. They are both scientific approached coming from two completely separate ideals and separate directions. “Natural” is not necessarily a synonym for “good” “Barefoot trimming” advocates may also point out—quite correctly—that horses don’t necessarily need shoes. The hoof can tell us when the horse is stressed. Copyright 2020 © Hoof Geek Ltd. All rights reserved. If you suspect or know your horse will be sore without his shoes then you must have boots and pads to help him transition. The focus is always what is going to work for you and your horse.. Barefoot trimming. I’m guessing flat feet develop more abscesses? Information is just data. There are many outside considerations, however, that make it necessary to prune trees. An experienced barefoot trimmer or farrier will know by examining the hooves if they will be sore or not. He was training for a barefoot trimming qualification. Gonna have to give this an F. It was a D+ to C- due to not actually talking about trimming. I now realise, just because you have your horses hooves done every 8 weeks – if it’s not done correctly – it’s pointless. It is related more to form and function than just fitting shoes. As to your farrier friend, he is either in deep denial or just straight out lying to you that none of the horses he has shod have been sored. No hoof, no horse and what works for one might not work for another. No amount of trimming is going to give that horse the 14″ foot it needs. Is farriery based on science? Performance barefoot trimming. Does the structure have integrity to sustain that length? Nerves, blood vessels, tendons ligaments etc. Farriers are trained in putting shoes on. They do (or should). Whose first sentence was “I don’t like shoeing horses unless it’s necessary” and second was an instruction to me to buy the book “No foot, no horse”. Also, the desire on the hoof care professional’s to continue to learn- the best trimmers/farriers will always consider themselves to be students of the hoof. Horse owners tend to think of farriery as a singular method but there’s a multitude of ways in which farriers trim hooves, apply shoes, wedges, pads, filler, nails, wraps and more. I started educating myself and took over, finding his bars completely laid over to his walls. A shoe will help to stabilize a fractured coffin bone, absolutely. When a tree needs pruning a good arborist will make sure he understands the reason he is cutting. One key to understanding, preventing and reversing hoof deformities is in understanding how to “un-roll” foal hooves. Boy am I glad this article came to me on Facebook! Pete Ramey style trims to create a sound performance horse. I enjoyed your article for the most part but do take issue with your classification of weighted shoes as being “ridiculous”. Thanks for that story. Something he’s prone to when kept barefoot. I wish that I could send you pictures terrible job. In most cases we can condition through pain that passes quickly. My personal opinion is that teaming the environment with trimming will get results faster, and require less effort. I am looking for a barefoot farrier in Houston, TX specifically Alvin area. The saddlebreds who do have any weight added to the shoe itself (not huge packages) have only 8 to 12 ounces added, and then only during training. They are two different kinds of sciences, one for the convenience of the humans and because of improper living conditions shoes are sometimes needed. Don’t forget, YOU employ THEM! Before any trimming can begin, the good arborist knows that every cut he makes has the potential to improve or destroy the tree. You will quickly recognize that there is deformity in almost every structure, some distortions caused by over growth, some by changes to another structure, some by pathogen infection. I am a horsewoman of 30+ years mostly working,breeding and racing in the TB industry. Sorry I’m not more helpful , Harwill Diemling Barefoot Trimmer DipWCF (cert NBF). One is holistic, the other is conventional. I can’t tell you what’s right for you. The Five Basic Hoof Structures As far as balance is concerned , there should be no difference in barefoot or shoeing. Knowing how the five basic hoof structures relay signals to the horse’s brain during locomotion enables us to define lameness as it relates to the hoof. I’m glad your 3 are all doing well . I trim a limited number of horses in addition to my regular job, and I’ve been trimming for 15 years. That’s when I became exclusively barefoot. Thankfully, we were to meet another barefoot trimmer who was able to put us back on course. Above is the same hoof 3 months later, you see the hole has gone the hoof wall is stronger the flare is less. I so often find myself in defense of the saddle horse fancy, particularly when unknowing folks lump us all into the “Big Lick” Tennessee Walking Horse horrors. A 1300# horse on a size 000 front foot may not be able to go barefoot outside the stall. You’ve really enriched my life, Just a great article, thanks for sharing it! That sounds awesome Sorry you had some trouble, but I’m glad you have another farrier coming out to help. A couple years ago my gelding was abcessing, and the veterinarian advised our farrier, but he didn’t really listen. I shoe if needed. An example is a horse that rings it’s hocks over a period of time the horse has learned to use the wrong muscles and the correct ones get atrophied. Bill with Sharp Hoof Care has been trimming horses for 8 years and holds his certification from Liberated Horsemanship. I can think of no instance where a shoe is the *only* way to treat an ailment. If you are interested in becoming a barefoot trimmer, I would encourage you to join this group and be a part of their program. I specialise in the Equine Foot - (1) Nutrition for feet (2) Trimming for comfort (3) Foot balance for long-term performance My goal is to get more minds thinking about the basic hoof structures in a different way… to better define growing in the correct direction with no over lapping of growth or function…how each of the basic structures affects the internal structures. Almost 5 years down the line, I’m now under a barefoot trimmer who (first appointment next week) will be looking not only at hooves but diet, environment, exercise etc. I hope you find some food for thought on my website from which you will discover there is more to barefoot than removing the shoes. Even more so when you’ve got the right tool for the job. I have a 16 year old TB mare that I barrel race on barefoot but she has hooves made out of iron! I don’t make as much money trimming horses to ride barefoot, and I have thought about returning to shoeing for the good paycheck. I’ve actually considered going to school myself to provide this service in my area. Flexible shoes which do not inhibit hoof flexibility and hoof mechanism from functioning are really the best way to go. If life was perfect then every tree would perfect, but life is not perfect, it has a way of influencing destiny. But please don’t confuse weighted shoes with torture. Thank you. Thanks Tami, I couldn’t agree more, if we’re lucky none of us stop learning . I am also, to my knowledge, the only person who is riding out and working them for the coming season and not either off lame or waiting for the farrier to come and put a shoe back on. There are hair dressers who do great trims and hair dressers who do horrible trims (ok I’ll stop now), Lets assume we’ve established that’s there’s good and bad in everything so I’m going to have to talk in generalisations to answer this one…. Some of the best barehoof books I studied were written by an equine veterinary scientist. . Long story short is that shoes stopped working for my horses, they were lame, had hoof cracks and my hoof care professional at that time stopped answering my calls. But if your horse is consistently lame, sore, or under performing, you might want to change something. We now have laminated photographs after a “benchmark” professional trim that I can use to compare and contrast my work, and have key measurements to indicate the need for a trim. Several prominent farriers took on the showing judging to put this right. She was so sound that no one believed me when I told them she had foundered, and she was very comfortable riding on gravel roads. Yeah!…All of that, what you said…and said so well! So new products have come to assist horses transitioning to being comfortable while waiting for the new stronger hooves to grow in. The horse evolved with constant movement, their hooves are smart structures meaning that the hooves are continuously adapting to changes in terrain and lifestyle. I am a farrier of the horse, I’ve been shoeing and trimming for 28 years. Long story short, I ran the gamut of every diagnostics test and we found he truly had Navicular. So that’s all about me, and I should be talking about barefoot trimmers in general, just as I did with farriers. Some horses have body issues and as a result have flare and land on one point of the hoof more and as result that part of the hoof wears away faster, no problem just ride in boots it will still take over a thousand ridden miles to wear a boot out. I enjoy my trail horses on the trail either barefoot or booted. I do shoe horses with a bit more wall than some farriers as i shoe hunter/jumpers which require that extra support and i feel all horses do. Most consider their training ongoing until retirement. i do not shoe stacked pads and am vehemently against it. I realise that they may have made mistakes, or taken a wrong path somewhere along the line, but I don’t think anyone consciously sets out to harm horses. Native Lover Native Pony Fan. There is always another option. Today’s farriers have learned to lock the hoof with shoes, for some trainers and disciplines this can be a big advantage that most times never ends well for the horse. “Because each cut has the potential to change the growth of the tree, no branch should be removed without a reason. The roots grow in the ground spreading out in equal directions from the trunk. When you trim a hoof with the intention of putting a shoe on, you tend to trim the hoof shorter than you would if it were to be barefoot. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > horsman PetForums Newbie. It’s all about economics and paying the mortgage, heating and electric bills every month. When we first started, it felt as if we were the only people working barefoot horses in the UK – now there are thousands of barefoot horses and dozens of websites! There’s hundreds of different makes and styles of shoes, made out of an increasing wide array of materials. The living conditions are different and therefore the hoof care is different. A couple of which shoe the gaited horses and I’ve seen it done right from three and four year olds to 20 year old saddle breads who have never had any lameness issues. Barefoot South has a very a strict code of ethics which puts your horse's welfare at the centre of any care recommendations. They’re what’s creating the environment that stimulates the necessary healing (or strengthening – same thing really) within the horse. Similarly, the comment above from Performance Farrier – if there were more farriers that thought like you, there’d be less of the pages like the ones I mentioned earlier! With all the more advanced and newer technology for running tests and dissections of hooves, more has been discovered about the equine hoof in the last twenty to thirty years than in all of human/horse history. Many U.K. Nationals have taken time to write US elected officials to support it & reject this cruel practice & we Anti Soring Advocates are very thankful to them for doing so, because it shows that this dirty little secret is out of the bag & consequently politicians (especially Tennessee Governor Bill Haslem) have taken notice that the world is watching. Minded you are, or under performing, you see, the hoof the same Debbie, can... Even barefoot specialists who don ’ t determine how each is growing all people can have horses metal. Up in the end, it is kind of mindset and attitude you want results, and am! Back to my regular job, and how artificial shoes are applied diet exercise! Horse foundered be growing allows us to better understand what our horse needs now and in the.! 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