I think that is part of the apostolic life. Certainly here in the UK most people would be unlikely to think beyond pastors and evangelists. Answer: The theory that the apostle Paul was a false prophet and not a true follower of Christ is usually put forth by those of the Hebrew roots movement persuasion, among others. A disciple is a follower … This is part of the reason it was so hard for me to understand the difference, but also why the language of the apostolic, when I finally got doused with it, really hit me and opened up a whole new world of thinking for me. Just like in the natural there are some people that we refer to as Renaissance people who do it all as far as natural gifts go, i.e., visual artists+singer+writer+multiple instrument player+chef+philosopher, etc…or maybe just a few like poet/artist – If I sense I need to start something new, I will always tell my friends and mentors and see if any of them want to help me. I am an evangelist. Bob, you make a good point. A called apostle is someone with the calling and gifting of a planter of ministry. They believe Christians should submit to the Old Testament Law, but Paul clearly disagrees with them, proclaiming that Christians are no longer under … I know of no scripture that makes a major distinction (other than gender) between a prophet and a prophetess. Since we don’t have great language for evangelists or apostles, we tend to blur them in my mind. It was literally like I could hear God ten times more clearly once I finally knew what the apostolic was and how it was different from an evangelistic calling. Now I understand why God has now placed me under an Apostle to teach me further. Apostle - The Spirit of Abaddon attack the apostolic ministry. I love starting new/planting ministry movements, but I have not matured to the point were I can fully nurture everyone that joins them. < A prophet is “raised up in their midst.” An apostle is “sent to” a specific place, group or group within a group. I would encourage you never to just go start stuff and not process with community first and during. Apostles are what we would call trans-local: they are generally sent outside the local group to go and plant things that are not happening. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Pastor, evangelist, and prophet are just a few of them. There are three words which describe the same job within the church: evangelist, preacher, and minister. Can you please elaborate on this? Both are outreach oriented and gospel-centric. This can be understood in the spiritual gifts of evangelist, pastor and teacher. i like that grow out and grow up but i agree with the article too. The relevant section starts at 9 mins 45 secs but it’s good to hear the earlier stuff too. For years I have been trained, developed and called an evangelist in InterVarsity. There are many Believers today who actually don't know the differences between the Apostle, the Prophet, the Evangelist, the Pastor/Teacher. In Christianity, the two terms generally mean the same thing. Evangelists want to reach new people who are not hearing the gospel and recruit them to Jesus and communities that already exist. They are just fine letting it be its own thing and/or a new church. Wants to reach people outside the church/community but wants to stay connected to the local community/church. It was well worth the time in googling. As a result, a wall of hostility is built between them. There can be a “I am going to go do this whether anyone is coming or not” attitude in them. The apostle is the custodian and initial planter of the gospel while the evangelist is the ongoing conscience, passion and preacher of the gospel in the established ecclesia and even bears the name good news. What is the difference? He currently is the Director of Louisiana for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Beau is married to Kristina and they have three kids: Noah (8), Sophia (6) and Wesley (4). But a question arose in my head as I was writing the post: Why does that mean you are apostolic and not just evangelistic? I am not sure what that vision was and if it was from God or not. He was one of the “evangelists” referenced in Ephesians 4:11. I already know I have the gift of a Pastor/Prophet/Teacher they are evident in my life. They establish a church and then raise up local church leaders to take the position when they leave. As the name “prophet” suggests, prophesying will be the dominant feature of a prophet’s ministry.To prophesy simply means to speak forth a revelation we have personally received from God (the Greek word literally means to “speak forth”). What is an Evangelist. You helped me have an greater understanding of the callings on my life. I did this for too long and it didn’t help me understand my calling better. Sign up to receive our blog posts via e-mail and get instant access to our APE Library with videos, seminars, leaders notes, and more. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012. What do you think of my distinction between apostle and evangelist? The "sent ones" from the son: The Twelve. Mark 16:19-20, KJV So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And planters don’t have the ability to recruit and the gospel clarity that a lot of evangelists have. Unfortunately not many people have been exposed to this sort of thinking. Paul also was an evangelist because he shared the Gospel of the Grace of God with others. There is certainly a clear distinction between apostles and evangelists, and we could add prophets, shepherds and teachers to that list. i don’t know if planters aren’t god recruiters. So here’s the difference I noticed: The original apostles were sent to Israel: Matthew 10:5-8 The Voice Grab this FREE ebook now! Answer: Every apostle was a disciple, but not every disciple was an apostle. But what makes an apostle truly apostolic is their gifting to break new ground and start new things. These spirits are Apostle vs. Aboddon, Prophet vs. Jezebel, Evangelist vs. Black magic, Pastor vs. Modebel, and Teacher vs. Leviathan. But I have had an inner anxiety and battle to do it.