I just got back and now the tip of one of the other original spears seams to be turning yellow. Up to 140 species and varieties of this plant exist, but only 15 of them are available as potted plants at nurseries. The Diagnosis: If the older leaves on your plant are turning yellow and the new leaves are very light green, it could be a sign of a nitrogen deficiency. of soil is completely dry, and then water … In spring and summer, water often enough to keep the soil lightly moist. The Type Of Water You Use Can Cause Your Spider Plant to Have Yellow Leaves. When you do pull it out I recommend replacing with fresh soil (use a cactus/succulent blend) so the plant … It's very subtle. Over the period of time, the leaves become soggy and mushy. Spider plants are known for being sensitive to excess salts or chemicals in tap water like chlorine, fluoride, and soluble salts. If the leaves begin to turn yellow or get soft and mushy at the base, that’s usually a sign of overwatering and poor soil drainage. Snake plant is a succulent and all parts of it (including leaves, rhizomes, roots) can store water. 2-3 days later, so of the leaves on my plant were drooping down, yellowing, and I think there was a smell. Don’t be discouraged if your Snake Plant leaves occasionally fall over, lean, or … It was in very low light, the soil was bone dry, and hadn't been watered for 4-5 weeks so my fiancé watered it a little and put it under the light. Just go easy on the liquid love – you don’t want to over water a Snake Plant. Snake plants like being pot-bound, so even as it grows, try to keep it in the same pot. Right before the leaves fall off the plant, they will turn yellow. Snake plants like really airy well draining soil. It's very subtle. Other signs that your plant is not getting enough water are leaves that are curling inward, drooping down, or becoming “crunchy”-looking. About 10-12 days ago, I watered my snake plant from the first time in a while I'm not sure how long. With just the right amount of fuel, your plant will look lush again in no time. If your plant is dry – you can stick your finger into the soil to check it – try to get it on a regular watering schedule. I just got back and now the tip of one of the other original spears seams to be turning yellow. When a plant gets extra water, it holds it in the leaves. As for moving it to stones, this plant isn't an epiphyte, and it isn't well adapted to aquaponics, so any method of growing it on pebbles won't be best. The snake plant is also called Sansevieria and “mother-in-law’s tongue,” for its sharp, upright leaves, which are mottled green and yellow and resemble a snake. When these build up in the soil of your plant and get into the roots and plant material, brown tips or yellow leaves will occur. It was in very low light, the soil was bone dry, and hadn't been watered for 4-5 weeks so my fiancé watered it a little and put it under the light. Maybe a couple months. Anyways, I was away for 6 weeks and one of the spears turned yellow on Nov 12. If it’s been in the same pot for two years there’s a possibility that the soil on the bottom could be clumping and staying soggy. 5. Anyways, I was away for 6 weeks and one of the spears turned yellow on Nov 12. Look for plant food with this nutrient and follow the recommended feeding rate to avoid fertilizer burn. Slowly the leaves start turning yellow and shriveled in places. Snake Plants are the ultimate “set it and forget it” houseplant making them appealing to both novice and experienced gardeners. My understanding is that snake plants don't need much water in the winter. 2. They can have yellowish green patches or turn completely yellow.